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VIDEO: Is Installing Cameras in Rental Cars Creepy?

Car rental company, Hertz, made some waves, recently, when they started installing cameras in some of their cars... and by "made some waves", we mean "people really freaked out." The company swears they're not functional, but that the cameras are there in case they want to start using video chat for customer service! In this brief — yet lively — video, our experts try to decide if we should be creeped out by this, or not!

Tools You Should Always Have in Your Car in Case of Emergency

It's a cold, windy, and slushy winter day, so of course that's when your car decides it doesn't want to operate properly. Are you prepared for a flat tire or a dead battery? How about a loose screw or a blown fuse? Now is a good time to make sure you've got the tools you'll need to deal with minor car troubles. We've compiled this list of the best tools and supplies you'll want to keep in your trunk.

The Top 2014 Car Models That Offer the Best Value for Your Money

As it turns out, 2014 car models are priced to sell; high-end car makers are luring potential buyers with lower-priced models, and mainstream brands are loading their vehicles with features that used to be found only on luxury models. But before you hit the showroom, here's some advice about which 2014 models offer the best value and how you can get the best deal.

How to Get Your Car to 200,000 Miles

Whether it;s a source of aggravation or pride (or likely a bit of both), owning a car requires significant investment to keep it in tip-top shape, especially if you're planning on driving it for 200,000 miles. However, there is a payoff: from zero car payments to far fewer cosmetic repairs to worry about once the car is past the 100,000 mile mark, maintaining an automobile is a rewarding endeavor. Just make sure to follow this sound advice.

Hit the Road with the Right Tires: How to Understand and Buy Car Tires

Have you ever spent a few moments trying to decipher the gibberish stamped into the sidewalls of tires? While most of us have a vague idea about what some of those numbers and letters represent, there is a world of additional information that you can glean from a careful examination. We've broken down the foreign language of tire-buying to help those with flats and worn out treads find the best tires for the money.
