5 Deals You Need to Know Today: Apple Watch Ultra 2 Returns to a Best Ever Price
The second generation Apple Watch Ultra can be yours for a best ever price once again. Check out this offer and more in our roundup of the five best deals we found over the last 24 hours.
Top Smart Watch Deal
Apple Watch Ultra 2 GPS + Cellular 49mm Smartwatch
$680If there's an Apple product at a best ever price, you're going to hear about it in this roundup. These are the rules. I don't make 'em but I must adhere to them, lest the deal gods strike me down with their furious wrath. They're a fickle bunch. I've already said too much. Quickly now, observe this Apple Watch Ultra 2 GPS + Cellular 49mm Smartwatch back at the best price we've seen and a low by $59. Continue to observe it and steadfastly offer up your prayers of worship to the deities above and tell them I was merely jesting when I spoke of their fickleness. Yes, just a playful jab. Boisterous banter. Ha ha yes, that was all. help me
Top Store Event Deal
Valentine's Day Sale at Macy's
Up to 78% offIt's probably a smidge too late to order online for a timely Valentine's Day gift at Macy's up to 78% off sale but it's never too late to pretend the delay is due to shipping incompetence out of your control. Be prepared with an appropriately photoshopped order confirmation featuring altered dates and you're all good. To be clear though, Valentine's Day is no joke.
Top Shoes Deal
Totes Women's Adele Water Resistant Winter Boots
$20.91Yesterday my perpetually crankified colleague A. Byrne shouted loudly "nuts to this!" to no one in particular in Castle DealNews and opted to take the rest of the week off. Good for him I say and in his honor, we shall opt for terrible wordplay, which is where the Totes Women's Adele Water Resistant Winter Boots at Walmart conveniently come into play. They're $59 off, having been dropped to just $21. Set fire to the price with a low in the dark as we are rolling in the savings. Look, it's terrible stuff but he's what he would have wanted. We have to give him that sliver of respect at the very least. It's the right thing to do.
Top Home Improvement Deal
3M Featured Deals at Amazon
Up to 79% offThe nice thing about the wide variety of heavily discounted 3M goods at Amazon is that they're heavily discounted and varied widely. We're talking overalls, tape, water based adhesives, and more. The less nice thing is that you've been roped into a guessing game to test your knowledge of 3M. Thus, what does 3M mean when broken out into its three m-based keywords?
- Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
- Malibu Mechanical Marsupials
- Mensa's Most Magnificent
- Ministry of Mad Monks
Click here for the answer
It was none other than Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, unsurprisingly, as the other there supplied answers were ludicrously unbelievable.Top T-Shirt Deal
T-Shirts at Woot
5 for $29It's terribly depressing that we've already reached the point where every single piece of artwork on the internet is now subject to the immediate thought of "was this AI generated?" I'm not saying any of the many T-shirts Woot is offering here (An Amazon company, lest we forget) have been subject to the AI grinder but the doubt now always exists. However! You can get five for $29 via automatic checkout discount and perhaps even more upliftingly, one of them involves a strawberry Bulbasaur.