Hottest Deals For February 2025

5 Deals You Need to Know Today: Up to 50% off Beats at Amazon


The Beats range of audio listening equipment is up to 50% off at Amazon. Check out this offer and more in our roundup of the five best deals we found over the last 24 hours.

Top Headphones Deal

Beats Headphones and Earbuds Deals at Amazon

Up to 50% off

*Begin deal blurb.* A full gamut of Beats auditory devices from on-ear headphones to true wireless earbuds to those wireless-but-still-connected-by-a-wire earphones have seen themselves discounted by up to 50% off at Amazon.*End deal blurb.*

Top Toys & Hobbies Deal

Funko Marvel Collector Corp Wolverine 50th Anniversary Box


As to whether Funkos are harmless collectibles or abominations of nature that must be destroyed at all costs, the debate rages on and sees no sign of being conclusively settled anytime soon. I know where I stand but while we await a definitive official verdict, the Funko Marvel Collector Corp Wolverine 50th Anniversary Box is $15 at Woot (An Amazon company lest we forget) which is notable because it's both hard to find and goes for over double the price on eBay. What exactly lurks inside this blind box, nobody knows, but one disturbing fact is clear — there are so many Conan O'Brien Funkos that even the Fandom site gave up creating individual pages for them.

Top Vacuum Cleaner Deal

Samsung Jet 60 Flex Cordless Stick Vacuum


Vacuum at Walmart, this stick is ready for use
Vacuum at Walmart, it's from Samsung so they did produce
Vacuum at Walmart, a best ever price we must now introduce
Vacuum at Walmart, in 240p there exists a band called Luce

Top Smart Watch Deal

Citizen Men's CZ Smart Hybrid Smart Watch


The great thing about this Citizen Men's CZ Smart Hybrid Smart Watch at eBay for $100 is that it's a legitimately great deal, proven by the fact that it's the best price we could find by $113. Even better, I now have sufficient reasoning for mentioning the watch pause screen music from Goldeneye. What a tremendously smooth beat. What sensational moves from James.

Top Video Games Deal

Atari The 400 Mini


I was about to go off on what might have initially appeared to be a rant about the keyboard on this looking like it'd be nightmare to type on but what would have actually been veiled praise about how this was likely tremendously faithful and accurate to how the original 400 keyboard was back in the day, until I realized the keyboard on this mini throwback is merely aesthetic and not functional. With that explanatory sentence finally having ended, we can move on and appreciate that this is the best price we've ever seen by $5 since its release a year ago and $6 under what you'd have to pay to have it shipped from Atari directly. It emulates all Atari 8-bit games, has rewind functionality to assist with that aged difficulty, and to return to keyboards, supports external ones. Neat.