6 Amazon Seller Programs You Should Know About

Join the right programs, and you could be eligible for all manner of freebies, discounts, and other opportunities as an Amazon seller.
Amazon fulfillment center

"Sometimes the problem is in the not-knowing there was a problem," said someone sometime — and if they didn't, they definitely should have.

Amazon sellers have enough on their plates without having to wade through an expansive and confusing landscape of programs, even if they do exist to make their lives easier. That's why we're rounding up some of the Amazon seller programs that are the least talked about, least known, and least understood — so that Amazon sellers can see what helpful programs are out there. If you're trying to make your life easier, shouldn't the effort be minimal toward that end?

So here are six of the best Amazon FBA programs and other seller programs you might not have heard about, but should definitely be familiar with!

6 Amazon Seller Programs You Should Know About

1. FBA Grade and Resell

The Amazon selling program known as FBA Grade and Resell allows sellers to relist and sell inventory as "used." Sellers must be invited to join this program, but once they're in, it can save them from having to pay to return or dispose of unfulfillable inventory. Even better, you submit the item, but Amazon will create the listing for you once they have assessed its condition.

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A small processing fee is involved, and will run you between $1.50 for small standard-size items and $4.10 for large/special oversized items. The program is only recommended for items valued above $15, and the list of ineligible items include expiration-dated inventory, heavy and bulky products, and items "that have historically generated low feedback ratings," according to this Amazon seller program's webpage.

2. FBA Liquidations

Returns are an inevitable part of the sales cycle. Even Amazon sellers have to deal with them. FBA Liquidations is an Amazon FBA program that allows sellers to recoup some of their costs while avoiding other inevitable charges that accompany customer returns. FBA Liquidations employs a wholesale liquidator to sell your returned inventory in lieu of you paying storage fees.

Amazon refunds what they call your "net recovery value," which is determined by your sales history, your inventory prices, and the sales history per item. Be aware that Amazon charges a 15% referral fee, plus a processing fee of 25 cents to somewhere in excess of $1.90, depending on the size and weight of the returned goods. But it might be worth it simply to take those pesky returns off of your plate.

3. Remote Fulfillment With FBA

For an Amazon selling program that can expand your sales territory from the United States of America to all the big countries of North America, Remote Fulfillment with FBA can't be beat. Customers pay the bulk of the taxes, duties, and fees, while sellers pay elevated fulfillment fees. But the program itself allows Prime customers in Mexico and Canada to order with free shipping in five to nine days, and seven to 12 days, respectively.

FBA New Selection makes you eligible for all kinds of Amazon discounts, freebies, and opportunities.

Items must be FBA-enabled in both Mexico and Canada, and be trade-compliant while meeting regulations. Fees are based on product size and weight; they fluctuate somewhere between $7 and $13 for standard-sized items — at least in Canada — but can go up significantly for oversized items.

4. Amazon Business Seller

Open to businesses of all sizes, Amazon Business Seller is a targeted way to find businesses to serve as your customers. This B2B Amazon seller program allows your company an opportunity to connect with a business looking to buy what you're selling.

Currently, participating as a business seller won't cost you any more than what you're paying as a professional seller — i.e., a monthly subscription fee of $39.99. But you'll have access to benefits that allow you to feature bulk sales and business pricing. It's a numbers game, and the Amazon Business Seller program is all about the numbers.

5. FBA New Selection

FBA New Selection makes FBA sellers eligible for all kinds of Amazon discounts, freebies, and opportunities. Just make sure you sign up for all of those other programs that lead to those discounts, freebies, and opportunities! Chosen eligible businesses can get free monthly storage for the first 50 standard-size units for 90 days, plus free storage for the first 30 oversize units, and no liquidation fees! They can also get free promotional ad campaigns and other benefits. According to Amazon, new sellers who listed their first buyable ASINs and started with FBA in 2022 will be auto-enrolled in this program.

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The idea is to attract businesses in the hopes that after you're plied with so many perks, you'll stick around. To qualify as an existing FBA seller, you must have an Inventory Performance Index of 400 or higher — so it's certainly easier to enroll as a newbie. After that, maintain your score — Amazon can give you the heave-ho if you fall below that magic number.

6. FBA Onsite

FBA Onsite is a program designed to permit FBA sellers to better manage their warehouse using a streamlined cloud-based management system.

Onsite manages the shipment of an Amazon seller's inventory and charges based on the size and weight of each shipment. It takes the FBA program one step further so that the entire process, from order to order-fulfillment, is managed and executed with very little fuss or even attention paid by the sellers. For sellers who know what they're doing, FBA Onsite can be like running a business without having to worry about running a business.

Joselin Linder
Contributing Writer

Joselin's work has appeared in The New York Post, Elle.com, Morning Edition, Life of the Law and xoJane. Her books include The Family Gene and The Gamification Revolution. She sometimes remembers to tweet with a handle that economically combines her first and last names: @joselinder
DealNews may be compensated by companies mentioned in this article. Please note that, although prices sometimes fluctuate or expire unexpectedly, all products and deals mentioned in this feature were available at the lowest total price we could find at the time of publication (unless otherwise specified).


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