Avoid the Noid: 10 Brand Mascot Fails

It's hard to create a lovable mascot. Here are 10 that prove that rule.

Frosted Flakes might be able to use Tony the Tiger to hawk their flaky wares until the sun literally explodes, but not every brand is going to be able to come up with something as grrrrrreat! Here's a list of 10 brand mascots that just fell flat (or will soon).

As you can see, companies will try just about anything to get you to buy into their brand. We give 'em props for trying, even as we slag them off on Twitter.

But what about you guys? We only had room for 10, but why not share your favorite / most detested mascots in the comments below!

Jeff Somogyi
Contributing Writer

Jeff Somogyi is constantly trying to come up with ways to surprise and delight audiences the world over. He takes humor seriously ... too seriously. (Honestly, we've never seen him laugh ... it's kinda creepy.)
DealNews may be compensated by companies mentioned in this article. Please note that, although prices sometimes fluctuate or expire unexpectedly, all products and deals mentioned in this feature were available at the lowest total price we could find at the time of publication (unless otherwise specified).


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Actually the Noid ad's didn't end because of that guy it ended because the ad company that made the ad was asking for to much money
I liked the dog sock puppet from Pets.com! :)

My favorite mascot was wide-smiling Joe Isuzu who constantly lied with a smile to sell Isuzu vehicles.

For the longest time I always thought Mr. Six was Junior Soprano.I actually stopped eating at Quiznos after their mascot came out. Looked like a dead mouse they found in their kitchen area. "Try our new toasted sub! You'll love the new crunchy mystery meat inside!"
We love the moon, because it is made of cheese.
I can't say he's my "favorite" or "most detested", but what about the Trivago Disheveled Guy?

This guy looks like he's a few days removed from a week-long Vegas bender and is borderline homeless, not exactly what 'pimp' my travel company with...
Enjoy the trunk monkey - all are great, a few are weird

Jeff Somogyi (DealNews)
I'd like to take a moment to remember "sad sack salesman", who starred in several Honda commercials in the 80s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fts72_FJcX8

At one point, he had a pet frog that said "I'll take it!" instead of "ribbit". Oh, the 80s....
michael bonebright (DealNews)
Fun fact: The Noid starred in many, many of my childhood nightmares.
Don't forget that "Mr. Six" replaced "Yelling Asian Guy" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifp4JOEZFNI