Rumor Roundup: Renee Zellweger? Apple Loyalty Programs? More?


When the Internet runs out of news, it starts making things up. We think this is funny, so we round up all the lies and speculation and put them here. We call it the "Rumor Roundup" and we do it all for you! This week:

Renee Zellweger
  • Did Renee Zellweger Have Lots of Plastic Surgery?
    Jerry MagWHYare we talking about this? Must be a slow news week, if we don't have anything real to worry about. [RumorFix]

  • Is Apple Going to Launch an Apple Pay Loyalty Program?
    But won't the first hole punched in an iPhone break it? How are we expected to get 10, to get the free whatever-it-is? [Apple Insider]

Mosquito Helicopter
  • Is St. Augustine, FL Considering Buying a Helicopter to Help With Mosquito Control?
    How big are those mosquitos?! [St . Augustine Record]

  • Will Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Have a "Board Game" Mode?
    For those who want their video games to have more "dice rolling" rather than "fast-paced butt-kicking." Next, let's get rid of animation — or video at all! Make the first "audio game." []

Microsoft Watches
  • Will Microsoft's Smart Watch Arrive in Time for the Holidays?
    Because you can't have a two-party system without some weird 3rd party to show you why the majority loves the other two. [9-to-5 Google]

  • Is Lenovo About to Buy BlackBerry?
    I know no one cares. As I said, in an earlier quip: It's been a slow news week! [BGR]

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Jeff Somogyi
Contributing Writer

Jeff Somogyi is constantly trying to come up with ways to surprise and delight audiences the world over. He takes humor seriously ... too seriously. (Honestly, we've never seen him laugh ... it's kinda creepy.)
DealNews may be compensated by companies mentioned in this article. Please note that, although prices sometimes fluctuate or expire unexpectedly, all products and deals mentioned in this feature were available at the lowest total price we could find at the time of publication (unless otherwise specified).


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