Is Walmart Open On Easter 2025?

It's an egg-stremely important question
A Walmart parking lot

Spring is in the air, and with Easter just around the corner, many of us are busy planning gatherings, egg hunts, and perhaps even a sumptuous feast. Amidst the preparations, one question looms large: Is Walmart open on Easter 2025? As you embark on your holiday shopping adventures and search for "Walmart Easter hours in 2024," let us unravel this query and provide you with the essential insights to ensure a seamless and stress-free celebration.

Whether you're in need of last-minute decorations, a selection of Walmart's Easter baskets, or ingredients for that special holiday meal, knowing Walmart's Easter hours can make all the difference. Join us as we delve into the details of Walmart's Easter schedule, offering you peace of mind as you prepare to enjoy this joyous occasion with friends and family.

Walmart Easter Hours

So the answer to the all-important question - is Walmart open on Easter - is a hearty yes. Just as in previous years, we're expecting that Walmart's hours on Easter Sunday should broadly be their regular opening hours of 6 am to 11 pm local time. This means you can do some emergency shopping for Walmart's Easter baskets, or hope to get an early start on the off-season price drops and look for Walmart Easter clearance sales on the day itself. Hope springs eternal, right?

Beyond that, we'll make it clear that your local Walmart's hours on Easter Sunday may vary. If you need to find your local store information, you can go to Walmart's website. In the upper left corner of the home page, you'll see a small map indicator with the name of your store or your shipping location. Click on the location, and then on the right arrow next to the location, to see a run-down on the stores in your area. Expand that box and click "Store Details" for any location you're interested in. That should open another page that will provide the information you need, as well as regular store hours including sensory-friendly hours, and any hours for departments on-site such as the pharmacy, auto care center, vision center, and more.

What Else Should I Consider When Shopping at Walmart?

Of course, the fact that Walmart's open Easter Sunday doesn't mean you have to restrict yourself to holiday shopping, eventually walking out of Walmart, Easter eggs overflowing from your shopping cart. So what else could you shop in between egg hunts? You could start with their cell phone selection, which includes trade-in deals on the iPhone 15 range and Samsung's new Galaxy S24 line-up, as well as a number of carrier-specific offers. There's also a bevy of discounts on electronics, including TVs from brands like Samsung, LG, and Vizio, and laptops from Lenovo, Acer, HP, and more.

You might also have more on your mind than Walmart's Easter hours in 2024, like whether or not Walmart price matches. It's a valid question, and you can read our article to find out, but the short answer is "not against competitors, but yes for their own website, if you follow the proper steps".

It's Sparky, the Walmart mascot!

One last thing to consider might be whether you should sign up for a Walmart+ membership. Perks like free delivery from your local store and reduced prices at select gas stations might not do you much good on Easter Sunday, but the option for mobile scan and go should make any Walmart Easter shopping a quicker and easier venture, letting you return to the comfort of your home and family all the faster. In any case, you can sign up for a risk-free 30-day trial during March, then decide whether the perks were worth it before paying any membership fees. (A monthly plan will run $12.95 each month while an annual plan will run $98 for the entire year, although we occasionally see discounts on annual plans, or substantial gift cards offered with a membership, so if you're still on the fence after the trial, it might be worth waiting for a good deal.)

What Other Stores Are Open for Easter?

Now that you're reasonably assured that the answer to "is Walmart closed on Easter" is No, it's time for the bad news: the same can't be said for some other big stores. (Admittedly this can be seen as good news for those employees, but their feelings are, for the purposes of this article, largely irrelevant.)

So if you were planning on comparing electronics prices at Best Buy, you're out of luck: they're closed for Easter Sunday. The same can be said for the likes of Lowe's and Target, who are also expected to close their doors for the holiday, as well as Sam's Club, Costco, Macy's, and Nordstrom.

An outlier to this is Home Depot, who should be open with what is somehow considered an "abbreviated schedule" of 8 am to 8 pm local time. This is a two hour reduction at either end compared to their usual 6 am to 10 pm opening hours, but still. Plenty of time.

Other stores that are open for Easter include CVS, who should be open for their regular hours, and Walgreens and Whole Foods, whose hours will vary by location, so getting any necessities on Easter Sunday shouldn't be an issue.

So now that we're clear that Walmart is open on Easter 2024, the countdown is on to March 31, since that's the big day itself. You can look forward to the traditional Sunday outing to Walmart, Easter decorations everywhere, safe in the knowledge that you won't find Walmart closed on Easter Sunday. It's the little things that reassure us the most. In the meantime, make sure to check out our Walmart page for all their latest and greatest deals.

Alan Byrne
Senior Editor

Alan was recently named "The New Face of DealNewsâ„¢" by himself, which is a step up from his previous title, "The King of the Run-on Sentence", although this latter – equally unofficial – title clearly remains the more accurate by some distance. He's a Dublin-based editor for this very website.
DealNews may be compensated by companies mentioned in this article. Please note that, although prices sometimes fluctuate or expire unexpectedly, all products and deals mentioned in this feature were available at the lowest total price we could find at the time of publication (unless otherwise specified).


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